Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Red Kite at Tickton

Some warm, spring-like weather meant that staying in front of a computer all day would have been a travesty, even though my dissertation work was begging me for some attention. So, a walk to Eske/Pulfin fen was decided upon!

Just a few hundred metres along the path, a large raptor appeared. At first I assumed it would be a Marsh Harrier as they aren't uncommon around here, but on examination, it turned out to be a Red Kite! Although these birds nest in a woodland about 10-15kms away, this is the first time I've seen them in the Hull valley.

After this, the walk was a little bit of an anticlimax. However, further along I did see two Fieldfares and a Chiffchaff - two quite strange species to see next to each other here. I would imagine the Chiffchaff was the same bird as I saw a few months back as it was only about 150 metres away from the spot I saw it in.

There was also plenty of evidence of breeding behaviour, with swooping Lapwings and singing Skylarks, Meadow Pipits, Chaffinches and yellowhammers. On the lake still quite large numbers of winter Widgeon and a lone male Pintail.

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